Welcome dear Friend!


This webspace contains reflections on and contributions to #grid stability, #batterypack safety, #dcgrid systems - longlived simple style architecture that people can understand and maintain by themselves already on very low level of education and with very simple means.


The idea is of completing (not competing) the widespread idea of a smart future. As an analog backup and redundancy. Also conceptually addressing the 3-5 Billion People that are usually neglected by modern engineering and product design.


SMART contains the publications with the year of release


LIFE contains some related videos on keeping level with ai


Artwork and Design

Everything you find here is labeled  Artwork and Design:


Simplicity in Basics as solid and widespread basement for Cutting-Edge-in-Specials.


Transition in Energy is a 10-30TWatt Project: you need to include India, Africa, Rural Asia, South America into the equation.


Future: Technology sophisticated - Jedi simple.


Concept Art Products

Not available

Requirements for Next Level - Full PDF
Die Energiewende und das Smart Grid (3)
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.5 MB

Consider the twisted implications of Cutting Edge Technologies in Genetic-Nano-Robotics and Space - with the sheer density and raw mass of 8-10 Billion human beings. * There is a need for Jedi attributes, discipline and some common values.

Smartmat - Short Discription
Same as slides to the left plus more pages of explanation.
Short Desription.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.1 MB

Plugbox - Short Discription
Same as slides to the left plus more pages of explanation.
Plugbox - Short Description 02.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.7 MB


Philosophy - includes slides of explanation: Smartmat & Plugbox

History - includes rare slides of information: transition of energy


Simplicity in basics - cutting edge in specials. Providing an analog backup for the digital-omnipresent. Embedding the futuristic smart city dreams by leveling up life on the land. Blending highest level permaculture and digital nomadism. Giving the original richnesses their proper value: clean air, fresh water, furtile soil, new energy, bees&birds, trees, children and education. Empowerment and freedom.

Table Tennis Home Trainer



and one day

 ..  I will do the Mages & Thieves