Welcome, Smart Friend!
This webspace is with conceptual contributions to the transition in energy and grid stability, including DC grids. These concepts focus on simple, long-lived architectural style that is easy to understand and maintainable with minimal education and basic resources.
The idea is to complement (rather than compete with) the widespread idea of a smart future. This approach is also intended as an analog backup and redundancy if the smart goes (temporarily) down or blank.
A key consideration is the inclusiveness of b a s e technologies—such as energy, water, food, and housing— for the 3-5 billion people often overlooked by modern engineering and product design, once these bases techs are kept simple. At the same time serving as a stepping stone for those who also wish to level up and also master the s p e c i a l technologies.
SMART contains publications organized by the year of release.
LIFE includes related videos on adapting to advancements in AI.
Everything you find here is labeled Artwork and Design:
Simplicity in Basics - Cutting Edge in Specials.
Transition in Energy for example is a 10-30TWatt Project and you will need to include India, Africa, Asian Countries, South America into the equation.
A recurrent theme will be: balance and harmony between seemingly opposing forces - for a combined effort that is needed in a complicated and seemingly overcrowded world amidst the advent of artificial super intelligence and other 'magic like' developments
Not available
Philosophy - includes slides of explanation: Smartmat & Plugbox
History - includes rare slides of information: transition of energy
Simplicity in basics - cutting edge in specials. Providing an analog backup for the digital-omnipresent. Embedding the futuristic smart city dreams by leveling up life on the land. Blending highest level permaculture and digital nomadism. Giving the original richnesses their proper value: clean air, fresh water, furtile soil, new energy, bees&birds, trees, children and education. Empowerment and freedom.
and one day
.. I will do the Mages & Thieves