Die Energiewende und das Smart Grid

as seen by the little people : ) enjoy!

Simplicity in Basics - Cutting Edge in Specials.


That's my math doing the calculation with 8-10 Billion People, the coming Advent of Artificial Super Intelligence, Environmental Situation, mankinds still persisting inclination towards power and war.

Plugbox - deutsch
DC-Power Hub.
Kindly calm and longlived as a tortoise.
Die Energiewende und das Smart Grid (1)
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 586.4 KB
Smartmat - deutsch
New Circuit Breaker
Die Energiewende und das Smart Grid (2)
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 681.6 KB

Finance - english
Die Energiewende und das Smart Grid (3)
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.5 MB
Plugbox Abstract and Calculations - english
Little Bit of Draft State. But good enough to demonstrate efficiency (now 99%), low cost and long life.
Plugbox Calculations.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.3 MB

A dedication to the Master by the Apprentice. Joachim Dorfmüller 1935 - 2018 and the Last Employee 2013-2020

Presenting Smartmat and Plugbox. Blending "Introducing Neuralink" into the "grazy speed Banana bicycle africa" which are the original titles of the background videos used here.

Aside from these mere concept arts: visit

Comprehensive TEDx Video on main page

Current State - no longer earnestly pursued - it's just a concept and inspiration.